Monday, September 19, 2016

Treatment for Myopia

Nearsightedness or myopia Natural Medicine
Eye nearsightedness or myopia is an eye disease inability to see distant objects clearly. if you suffer from blurred vision or farsightedness certainly very disturbing activity, it is of course detrimental to you. This myopic eye if less attention and treatment are at risk even permanent blindness. Well, to treat myopic eyes of many solutions that come from nature or natural remedy nearsightedness, farsightedness But before treating eye let us know the symptoms or causes of myopic vision, this is one of our measures to prevent vision in order not to run into problems.

  • Symptoms of Myopia Eyes / Myopia

Signs or symptoms of myopia usually starts with blurred vision eye to see objects or distant objects. If you see an object that is out of sight, your eyes may start to water, this is a result of the eye being able to see objects clearly because of stress. Or you can recognize the symptoms of myopia by the way, many eyes will experience itching, eyes felt heavy and headaches if they see distant objects.

  • Cause Blindness Eye / Myopia

There is also the cause of myopia (nearsighted vision) may vary from person to person. probably because of effort or mental acts are highly redundant (ie working excessive eye muscles), poor eating habits and the use of the optic nerve which is inefficient. causes nearsightedness can also be triggered due to the lack of consumption of vitamins for the eyes, such as vitamin A and vitamin E.

  • Natural Medicine Rabun / myopia

Treating the Rabun eyes with vitamins A and E, consumption of vitamin A and vitamin E are quite particularly useful for the treatment of nearsightedness or myopia, this vitamin is essential for improving eyesight. vitamin consumed should be from fruits and vegetables, such as raw spinach, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, milk and oranges or fish oil consumption. Fish oil is very rich in vitamin A and vitamin E.

  • Licorice Root Or Treat Myopia Manis Mata

Natural remedy for myopia effective is another of his liquorice or licorice. eating two meals a day or licorice root tea sweet, liquorice tea drinks are also excellent when mixed with honey. Liquorice tea is believed to cure myopic eyes.

  • Fish Oil Good For Drugs Rabun Eyes

Fish oil is very useful for the treatment of nearsightedness or myopia as vitamin A, Vitamin E and Vitamin D. with natural ingredients that contain elements that are needed by the optical system of the eye, liver oil is a rich source of vitamin A.

Treatment of Myopia Eyes Other Natural Ways With Sunlight

How to Treat myopic with the morning sun, trick sat with his face toward the morning sun, with eyes closed. to perform the treatment in this way for 10 minutes to do the movement, opened and closed his eyes, but the position is still staring at the sun in the morning. then proceed cold water compresses on the eyes closed, using a small clean towel, you can use a towel that has been stored in a refrigerator. Eye sections cold increases blood circulation. This is a myopic eye natural treatment that should be done regularly every morning, until you have felt the view is not myopic.

It is only natural effort to cure nearsightedness or myopia eyes, if you are suffering from severe myopia should take medication to doctors.

Thus the discussion about "Nearsightedness or myopia Natural Medicine" may bring benefits and knowledge for us all, if something is missing please correct. REGARDS


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