Saturday, September 24, 2016

Understanding and Joint Pain Causes

Ku Cari Sehat - Joint pain is a pain on the body that connect bone to bone, causing movement and quality of life you become distracted. Joint pain can be short or long. The severity of the pain also varies, ranging from mild, medium or severe.

The cause of joint pain
Based on the number of joints affected, grouped into two joint pain, including pain in the joints and pain in some joints.
In the case of pain in one joint, the knee joint is the organ most frequently experienced it. There are several kinds of causes of pain in one joint, including:

  • Chondromalacia patellae or cartilage damage behind the kneecap.
  • Haemarthrosis or bleeding into joint spaces due to a knee fracture or torn ligament. This condition usually occurs in people who are in the treatment of warfarin (an anticoagulant drug class).
  • Uric acid (gout). Conditions that can cause recurrent pain (relapse), as well as heat and redness of the skin around the inflamed joint is caused by the sharp crystals of uric acid buildup. The big toe is the joint that is usually affected first. Furthermore, other joints may also be experienced.
  • Pseudogout. This condition is almost similar to gout disease, but the crystals formed sharply derived from calcium deposits around the joints. As with gout, at first this condition usually affects the big toe.
  • Traumatic synovitis, or inflammation of the tissues lining the joints and tendons.
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease. This condition is characterized by symptoms of pain and swelling at the bony bump that is located just below the kneecap.
  • Fracture.
  • Septic arthritis.
  • Joint dislocations that occur repeatedly.
  • Cancer.
  • Infection.
  • Hemophilia.
  • Avascular necrosis. A condition characterized by symptoms of bone damage due to lack of blood supply.

While the various causes of pain in multiple joints of the body are:

  • Osteoarthritis or swelling of tissue in and around the joints due to damage to the bone protective surface. Serious damage to the joints, obesity, and age factors are things that increase the risk of developing the disease.
  • Psoriatic arthritis. Conditions that cause symptoms of pain, stiffness, swelling, and inflammation in the joints is usually experienced by one in five people with psoriasis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. Pain symptoms in this condition is often missing and raised in turns and causes the sufferer exhausted. Part inflamed joint is usually the joints of the fingers, wrists and ankles.
  • Diseases that can strike connective tissues, such as scleroderma and lupus.
  • A viral infection that can cause arthritis, such as rubella and hepatitis.
  • Arthritis is quite rare, for example, reactive arthritis, juvenile arthritis and spondylitis anklyosing.
  • Cancer.
  • Diseases that cause inflammation in blood vessels, such as Henoch-Schonlein Purpura and Behcet's syndrome.
  • Disease sarcoidosis.
  • Disease hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy.
  • The side effects of medicines, for example, hydralazine, isoniazid, and steroids.

Treatment of joint pain
If the symptoms are still relatively mild joint pain, you can handle it at home by:

  • Rested.
  • Compress parts diseased joints with a bag of ice for 15-20 minutes.
  • Eating anti-inflammatory drugs sold at pharmacies, such as naproxen sodium or ibuprofen.

To prevent the pain got worse, avoid physical activity or movements that involve the joints that are inflamed.

If the pain does not go away despite doing their own maintenance measures (including taking anti-inflammatory drugs), raised reddish swelling, warm sensation as well as appearing at the joints are inflamed, it is advisable to see a doctor.

Moreover, if you experience joint pain caused by injury causing sudden swelling, change the position of the joints, pain that is unbearable, and make it difficult to move the joints, then you are required to immediately see a doctor to get further treatment.


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